6 Tips to a More Diverse Biopharma Talent Pipeline

6 Tips to a More Diverse Biopharma Talent Pipeline

There is no “quick fix” to becoming a more diverse workplace. However, even the smallest of changes can help make large improvements over time. But it does take time. It is also true that certain professions, such as tech and science professions, have a harder time gaining access to more diversified talents. So, how can you go about diversifying your company?

1. Rethink Your Application Wording

The first thing you need to examine if you want to create a more diverse workforce is your application process. Your job description, the application process, and length, as well as the manner it is presented, can have a huge impact on who applies.

For instance, women will only apply to a job if they fit 100% of the job’s required skills while men will apply when they only fill 60% of the requirements. For this reason, it is important to both carefully describe the position and be open to the candidate learning more about the job as they go along.

Another great thing to do is make it an option for the applicant to stay in touch and receive updates about upcoming positions with the company even if they don’t apply. This makes it easier for someone from the company or a recruiter to reach out and learn more about them. Then you can see if the person might be a good fit for the position at hand.

2. Make Your Interview Process as Diverse as Possible

If you are taking steps to diversify your workforce, you will want to be sure you alter your interview process to do so. Examine any current bias that exists within your hiring committee or team and address it. Biases can oftentimes lead to hiring managers making decisions based on assumptions.

It is also important to have a culturally diverse hiring committee and interview panel. Having a diverse panel can help your company hire the best individual for the position and create an intentional hiring process moving forward.

3. Experiment with Different Outreach Methods

Social media platforms have changed the way many companies handle their outreach. For many, social media channels like LinkedIn have led them to some of their best employees. If you decide to try a different outreach program, however, be sure to track any results, you have to ensure there is no bias in them.

It is also important to include your diversity efforts in any communications that go out. There is evidence to show Millennials and Gen Zers are more attracted to positions with companies who display diversity efforts.

4. Create Networking Opportunities

Instead of only offering potential candidates a job to apply for, also set up networking opportunities for them. Show them that there is additional value to becoming a member of your team. Hold regular events targeted at more diverse groups of individuals.

Not only will you potentially get more diverse applicants, but you will also expose your brand to more new people. These may have even been people who wouldn’t have noticed your company before. It gives them a chance to learn more about you while also opening the company up to more diversity.

5. Participate in Diversity Job Fairs

Job fairs are fantastic places to recruit new talent, but they aren’t always as diverse as you’d like. To combat this, there are job fairs aimed at a more eclectic candidate base.

There are also networking events targeted at under-represented individuals in the area and minorities. These networking events may also prove to be helpful in further diversifying your workplace. Then, once you have networked and met more people, you will have a pipeline of contacts in the community who can help you in your diversification efforts. 

6. Gather Data and Make Changes

As mentioned previously, diversifying your workforce won’t happen overnight. It may not even happen within the next year. Diversification is something that will take time, and there will be trial-and-error. Gather data from the efforts you’ve made. Figure out what is working and what isn’t and then make the changes necessary to reach your diversity goals for your company.

In the end, diversifying your company will only help employees feel happier and engaged, leading to better brand recognition and success in the long run. If you want to learn more about how you can diversify your workforce, contact our leading recruiters today

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