A Three-Level Approach to Assessing Your Next Move

A Three-Level Approach to Assessing Your Next Move

As a life science professional, keeping your career on target can often mean having to find new job opportunities on occasion. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy or intuitive to figure out whether it’s the right time to make a move. That’s why you need a reliable strategy.

In many cases, using a three-level approach makes assessing whether it’s time for a change simpler. Here’s an overview of the points you want to consider when deciding if now is the perfect moment to find a new position.

Evaluating Your Company’s Future

One of the first things you want to factor into the equation is your current employer’s future. Is the company financially stable? Is it embracing trends and technologies that will keep it relevant? Are there any challenges that could derail its ability to meet goals and remain profitable long-term? Do the company leaders or department managers have the know-how and experience necessary to make the most of your department and what it has to offer?

Questions like those are designed to help you assess your current company’s long-term viability as an employer. If it falls short in any of those areas, that could mean moving on is in your best interest.

Assessing Environment and Workplace Values

After evaluating your company’s future, it’s time to assess the overall environment and existing workplace values. An organization’s culture plays a significant role in job satisfaction. Additionally, the quality of the physical environment impacts your comfort, access to the right tools, and similar areas.

Consider whether your physical workplace offers what you need to succeed. Then, dig into the culture. Do you enjoy working with your colleagues? Is morale generally high? Does the culture align with your values? Are you getting an appropriate work-life balance? Is the compensation fair?

By asking those questions, you can further determine whether your current workplace is a solid match. If it doesn’t measure up when you ask those questions, you may want to take your career in a new direction.

Gauging Skills Development in Your Current Role

The final point you want to evaluate is whether your current role is allowing you to grow and develop as a life science professional. Are you getting access to learning opportunities? Can you take part in stretch projects that push you outside of your comfort zone a bit? Is there a culture of continuous learning? Do you have access to continuing education benefits?

Generally, you want to make sure that you won’t stagnate if you remain in your current job. If there’s a risk of stagnation, then getting a different position could be what you need to thrive professionally.

Ultimately, the three levels above are usually enough to help you decide if it’s time for a change. If so, then making a move now can help you keep your career on track. If you’re ready to seek out a new opportunity in the life science sector, the Staffing Resource Group wants to hear from you. Apply Today and SuRGe your career forward.

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