Best Practices for Navigating Daily COVID Testing for Your Workforce

Best Practices for Navigating Daily COVID Testing for Your Workforce

Everything about the world is changing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the way you conduct business. When it comes to protecting your staff, implementing safety precautions surrounding the virus is important. This includes daily COVID testing for on-site employees. Use these best practices to ensure the health and safety of your team.

Have a Plan for Returning to Work

Returning to work will look different for different businesses. Most manufacturing companies have been at work all along and have followed safety protocols. Other companies, like tech companies, have been able to work remotely for the most part.

It is still suggested that, if possible, you continue to work remotely until a vaccine is available. However, if you need to begin to stagger employees back into the office or workspace to reopen as reassume business, following the best practices for daily COVID testing is crucial.

Screen Outside or Prior to Entry

It is best to screen employees outside the building prior to entering the business. This keeps any possible infected person(s) from coming into contact with more surfaces and people. Screening outdoors also helps decrease the risk for the individual performing the temperature checks.

Provide the Necessary PPE to Staff

Provide the personal protective equipment your staff needs prior to entry to the building, such as face masks. If your team is in need of additional PPE, such as face shields, gloves, and foot protection, those items should be provided as well. This ensures the quality of the products being used and the protection of your employees.

Follow Quarantine Protocols

If someone on your team is suspected of having been exposed to the virus or having the virus, follow the necessary quarantine protocols. Have the employee self-quarantine. Then have them get tested for COVID-19 before their return to work. If the test comes back positive, follow the CDC-recommended two-week quarantine period.

Require Testing for COVID

In the event, one of your employees displays COVID symptoms or is running a fever, require them to get tested for the virus. This will help decrease the risk of exposure in the office. Have your employee get an appointment for a COVID test and inform you of the results. If it is negative, you can determine how you would like to proceed. Many workplaces are continuing to keep people displaying symptoms on a two-week leave or remote work to ensure there is no exposure.

Plan for Staffing Changes

That being said, it is important to be prepared for staffing changes in the COVID era. Many people are out of work for various reasons. They might be sick, their children need more care, or they may even be immune-compromised and unable to work in the office. Having a backup plan can save your ongoing projects from falling through the cracks.

Working with a staffing agency like Staffing Resource Group can help you with planning for gaps in your staff. They can tap into their pool of talented workers to fill the space and skillset you need.

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