COVID Champion – Keion Chappelle

COVID Champion – Keion Chappelle

As a staffing agency, the Staffing Resource Group works with different types of professionals on a daily basis. What we specialize in is finding the perfect job, in a positive environment, that will help you continue to progress in your career goals. This includes everything from working on your resume, finding potential jobs to apply to, and asissting you through the interview process.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we have noted some champions who have risen above and shone through. Keoin Chappelle is one of such individuals. Since we helped place Chappelle in a position, he has done everything he can to stand out amongst his colleagues.

About Keion Chappelle

Chapelle is in the engineering industry. His key to success in his career and beyond has been approaching everything he encounters with a positive attitude. He shows an eagerness for everything he does in the workplace, which makes him a valuable member of a team.

According to Chappelle’s supervisor, he came in with a go-getter attitude. “Everything we have asked of him, he has excelled,” they said. He has been able to display that by being on time every day and showing an eagerness to learn more about the industry.

Another portion of being a champion in the workplace, for yourself and your employer, is going above and beyond when you can. Even when Chappelle had a family emergency, he tried to work out a way to make it to the job. That type of attitude let his employers know that he is serious about wanting to be there and wanting to progress in the company. The effort and dedication he shows make his employer want to model more workers after him.

Finding the Right Job

Being a stand-out champion in the workplace is partially finding the right job for you. When you have the right skills set, mindset, and industry experience behind you, you will excel in certain jobs. For instance, Chappelle has excelled in working in mechanics and engineering with his organization.

Without knowing what your expertises are and how they can be applied in a real-life situation in the industry, you won’t have the tools necessary to succeed. That isn’t to say you won’t find a job, but that you need to better focus your search. Once you find the right fit though, your skills will be able to shine and you can truly become a champion in the workplace like Chappelle did.

Work With Professionals

If you are thinking about changing careers or looking for a new job, working with a recruitment agency is a great idea. They can help you clean up your resume and find positions that align with your skills set and long-term career goals. Not to mention, they specialize in certain industries so they are already plugged into the network.

The professionals at the Staffing Resource Group can help identify jobs where you will be a good fit. Contact us to see how we can assist you in your search.

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