Do You Have a Remote Work Policy in Place? Here’s Why You Need One

Do You Have a Remote Work Policy in Place? Here’s Why You Need One

Most companies have some type of remote capability these days. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses to switch to a remote workspace. Some employers have continued to offer remote work for their employees. However, it has become crucial to have some kind of remote work policy in place. Here’s why.

It Protects You and Your Employees

The biggest reason to have a clear remote work policy is that it protects you and your employees. You can provide information about how often employees are able to work remotely or in what instances. Your policy book can also detail what hours they are expected to be available, how hours are tracked, etc. All of this protects both parties because the rules are written out and clear.

There is a Set Expectation

Speaking of being clear, employees perform better when there is a set expectation to meet. As mentioned above, this includes things like hours and availability. You should also set an expectation about deliverables for the job. In your remote work policy, provide information on how you expect employees to communicate, how often, and how they should report progress on projects. This way, there are no questions about what they should be doing day-to-day.

Preserve Your Company Culture

One of the fears centered around remote work is that you will lose much of your company culture. Having a set remote work policy can help you preserve some of your work culture and establish new things. Technology allows teams to communicate effectively, no matter where they are located. You can set up virtual team meetings, mixers, and events to pull your team together. In some cases, you might even realize your employee interaction improves when a remote work policy is set in place.

Maintain Work-Life Balance

Another way having a remote work policy in place can help your company is that it will help you set boundaries. Working from home or in a remote setting provides some additional flexibility. As an employer, it is not fair to expect your staff to be available 24 hours a day. It will lead to burnout quickly.

A remote work policy would outline boundaries for communication. For example, if employees are expected to be available until 5 p.m., don’t send emails at 7 p.m. and expect a response until the next business day. Having set hours, your team is expected to be plugged in, and guidelines for communication will help you maintain a work-life balance while working remotely.

You Always Have a Plan

Last, but not least, if you have a remote work policy in place, you will always have a plan. You won’t have to rush to make changes if an emergency forces remote work again. Instead, you can just circulate your remote work policy around the company as a reminder. Have everyone brush up on expectations and rules.

Is your company looking for remote workers? Partner with the Staffing Resource Group to discover the talent you need to successfully implement your remote work policies. Contact us to learn more about our staffing services.

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