DoD Technology Trends for 2022

DoD Technology Trends for 2022

As 2022 approaches, new annual budgets are being drawn up and planning has begun. There is always one eye on the United States government to see where money will be spent. The Department of Defense is a sizable line on the U.S. government’s ledger. As technology and other aspects of defense change so do the needs of the DoD. Here are some trends to look out for in the coming year.

Increased Spend for Advanced Tech

The DoD will spend an additional $1 billion on information technology and advanced tech. This comes along with the increase in the use of artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, 5G, cloud computing, data analytics, and cybersecurity. The DoD itself has shifted to a cloud-based platform and many of its employees are working remotely. Not to mention, cyber operations are becoming part of nearly every mission with the DoD. So, the increased spending and focus on IT make sense.

Cyber Budgets Growing

Because of the increase in use, cyber defense budgets are at an all-time high. That being said, there will also be an increased need for IT personnel. If you have previous cybersecurity or IT experience, there will likely be an open position that you could fill. Best of all, because your skills are in demand, you can better negotiate your contract terms.

Cloud Adoption

The adoption of cloud-based services has accelerated over the last year. In fact, the DoD is projected to spend $299 million on commercial cloud providers. So, individuals with experience in working with the cloud and its framework will be in high demand.

DoD Certification

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) is a program being managed by the DoD. This certification program is in its pilot stage currently. It will provide education to individuals who are interested in pursuing technology careers with the DoD. The program is expected to continue to evolve over the next 12 months and it is open to ongoing feedback from experts in the IT industry.

Ramping Up Interest

Government offices are gaining more interest in emerging technologies. They want people who are knowledgeable about blockchain, the Internet of Things, and other emerging tech. The growing interest will result in opening up opportunities for contractors and non-traditional industry partners. The type of work available will continue to expand.

There will be increased efforts to encourage people to “buy American” that will increase the need for more tech savvy people to ensure the technological processes are being executed flawlessly. All of these aspects are expected to be combined with short and long-term efforts to reform supply chain security.

Refresh Your Knowledge

As the tech field continues to expand, it is a great time to brush up on your knowledge and learn about new practices. Even if you are skilled and experienced, contractors have to keep up with the DoD best practices for cybersecurity. Staying on top of the latest changes will help you keep up with rising standards and remain competitive.

Landing a job with the Department of Defense can be a kickstart to an amazing career. Contact the Staffing Resource Group to learn about how to become a DoD contractor.

Ready to Get to Work?


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