Getting Distracted on the Job? 5 Must Try Productivity Hacks

Getting Distracted on the Job? 5 Must Try Productivity Hacks

Positions in the life sciences industry often take the utmost focus, ensuring accuracy while completing complex, detail-oriented tasks. However, workplace distractions can make concentrating difficult, harming productivity.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help reduce distractions. Here are five productivity hacks that can ensure you remain focused during the workday.

1. Silence Email Notifications and Set Up Designated Email Times

Most professionals receive a slew of emails during the workday. Typically, when a new message comes into your inbox, a pop-up notification appears on your computer screen. In some cases, this is also accompanied by a sound. The movement and noise draw your attention to the email, something that can take your mind off of the task at hand.

If you want to remain productive, it’s often best to silence your email notifications and turn off any pop-ups. That ensures that incoming messages won’t become a distraction when you need to concentrate. Couple that with designated email times once or twice a day, and you can ensure that important messages are ultimately read in a timely manner.

2. Turn Off Your Smartphone and Put It Away

The vast majority of professionals own personal smartphones, which they typically take to work. However, just as work email notifications can cause distractions, the same is true of smartphone notifications.

During work hours, it’s often best to turn off your smartphone or, at a minimum, use do not disturb features to silence notifications. Additionally, putting your smartphone away in a drawer, locker, or bag can also prevent it from capturing your attention, making it easier to concentrate on work.

3. Block Out Ambient Noise

Workplaces in the life science industry can have a lot of ambient noise. Whether it’s coworkers conversing, phones ringing on other desks, or equipment operating, all of those sounds can be distracting.

Seize any available opportunities to block out ambient noise. If allowed, you could try earphones or earplugs. Additionally, closing doors can help. You may also want to set boundaries regarding coworkers coming in for casual chats, ensuring they don’t distract you from your duties.

4. Make Use of Your Calendar

Your calendar can be a powerful tool to help you avoid distractions. If you have a shared calendar, blocking out time for all of your tasks can signal others that you aren’t available. That may keep colleagues from stopping by for non-work-related reasons. Additionally, it could prevent ill-timed meetings from interrupting your plan.

5. Decline Unnecessary Meetings

Meetings often occur in life sciences companies. However, even though you’re invited to participate, that doesn’t mean that every meeting will relate to your role or expertise. If attendance is optional, don’t be afraid to decline meeting invites where you can’t add value to the discussion or the information shared isn’t necessary for your position.

Even if the information is potentially valuable, if you don’t need to participate, you may be able to learn everything you need from a summary email. As a result, you may want to see if one will be made available, giving you the ability to decline the invite.

Are you ready for a new career-boosting life sciences job? Partner with the Staffing Resource Group to get your search headed in the right direction. Contact us to learn more about our services today.

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