Harnessing Commercial Technology for a Rapidly Modernizing DOD

Harnessing Commercial Technology for a Rapidly Modernizing DOD

Harnessing the power of commercial technology is often essential for organizations to modernize their operations. For the Department of Defense (DOD), leveraging commercial technologies is particularly critical. Internal development of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), cybersecurity tools, and various other tech by the DOD is overly cumbersome.

As a result, the DOD often leverages commercial solutions to accelerate implementation timelines. If you’re a defense professional or candidate, here’s what you need to know about harnessing commercial technology for a rapidly modernizing DOD.

Leveraging Commercial Technology

By leveraging commercial technology, the DOD can seize opportunities and remain technologically robust. Commercial providers often have resources available to explore emerging tech areas far quicker than the DOD, and by ensuring the DOD explores these solutions, those deemed fit for implementation can boost the country’s broader positioning.

The Need for Rapid Adoption of Commercial Technologies

Mechanisms are being put in place to allow the DOD to act as a fast follower, and procedural updates are allowing solutions to be selected in as little as 12 to 24 months. While that may seem like a lengthy timeline for those who’ve primarily worked in the private sector, it’s extremely quick when compared to typical government timelines.

The reason shorter decision timeframes and streamlined processes are increasingly becoming the norm is the need to keep pace with other nations and prepare to outmaneuver those that may prove to be threats. Additionally, rapid adoption ensures that DOD organizations are equipped with the best tools available, allowing personnel to leverage advanced capabilities to become more effective.

Accelerating the Technology Transition

Accelerating the technology transition allows the DOD to accomplish the various goals outlined above. Essentially, it’s an attempt to streamline classically lengthy – and often cumbersome – approval processes that once slowed adoption.

Now, such a shift does come with challenges. Ensuring a solution isn’t just addressing a need but also meeting any related security requirements can be daunting. As a result, the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) works to make leveraging selected technologies quickly easier by assisting with evaluations and transitions, accelerating the overall timeline.

Additionally, a more comprehensive array of providers is being explored to increase transition efficiency. During FY22, non-traditional, small business, and first-time DOD vendors made up a significant portion of those chosen. The DOD is also working to lower the barrier to entry, allowing it to access more innovations that can boost security and provide needed capabilities.

The Growing Significance of Commercial Tech in National Security

With broader adoption, commercial technology is becoming more significant in the national security arena. As mentioned previously, private entities are often better equipped to explore the potential of emerging tech that can bolster the nation’s security position. For example, AI-assisted cyber threat identification, analysis, and mitigation can make the DOD more responsive, while intelligent business automation can streamline workflows, identify errors, and more.

Ultimately, harnessing commercial technology is allowing the DOD to modernize more effectively, so it’s wise for defense professionals to remain on top of emerging solutions that could soon enter their workplaces. If you’re looking for a new defense sector job, the Staffing Resource Group makes the process simple. Apply Today and SuRGe your career forward.

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