Peak Performance: Remote Interviewing

Peak Performance: Remote Interviewing

Remote interviewing is increasingly commonplace. As a result, life science candidates need to prepare for meeting with hiring managers using video conferencing technology. While the bulk of the interview process is the same, there are nuances you’ll want to prepare for if you’re going to stand out.

Fortunately, most of the changes or additional steps are relatively straightforward and simple to integrate. If you want peak performance, here’s what you should do when remote interviewing for a life science job.

Do a Full Tech Check

Well before your interview is scheduled to start, you need to check your tech. Make sure the device you’re using is plugged in or fully charged. Test the video and audio for clarity. Confirm you have a suitable internet connection, opting for a hardline over Wi-Fi or mobile data if possible.

Additionally, make sure you have access to the web conferencing software or platform. If you can, use any internal checking mechanisms to test your camera, speakers, and microphone for compatibility. If you experience issues, you can typically find troubleshooting documentation on the associated website or through the help menu.

Finally, turn off all notifications that may pop up while you’re online. That ensures you’re not distracted by incoming messages during your interview.

Optimize Your Environment

For a remote interview, you need to choose a quiet space you can control, preferably a home office or a similar room with a door you can close. Sit down where you’d like to be during the interview. Then, turn on your camera to assess the complete picture.

In many cases, you’ll want to augment your lighting. Open curtains for sunlight and use lamps or ring lights for targeted illumination. Adjust your lighting conditions until you’re easy to see, but there are no unflattering shadows or similar issues.

After that, take a close look at what appears behind you based on the camera position. You want to ensure your background is professional, so remove questionable items, trash, children’s toys, or anything else undesirable.

It’s also wise to consider the color of what’s behind you. White and black are stark on camera, and many bright shades are incredibly intense. In most cases, a soft beige, gray, or light blue are solid choices, though anything that’s neutral and gentle can work well.

Practice Mimicking Eye Contact

Making eye contact during a video interview doesn’t happen if you look at the hiring manager on the screen. When you do that, due to the camera’s position, it makes it seem like you’re looking down. Instead, practice glancing at the camera lens when you rehearse your answers. By doing that, you’re mimicking eye contact, which leads to a better impression.

Just make sure you don’t stare at the camera the entire time. Instead, start on the camera, glance at your screen – which gives you a chance to gauge the hiring manager’s reaction – and then look back at the camera. Continue that cycle changing between them about every three seconds.

Ultimately, the tips above make navigating a remote interview easier. Are you looking for a new life sciences position that can advance your career? Partner with the Staffing Resource Group to find new opportunities quickly. Contact us to learn more about our services today.

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