Harnessing Commercial Technology for a Rapidly Modernizing DOD

Harnessing the power of commercial technology is often essential for organizations to modernize their operations. For the Department of Defense (DOD), leveraging commercial technologies is particularly critical. Internal development of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), cybersecurity tools, and various other tech by the DOD is overly cumbersome. As a result, the DOD often leverages commercial solutions to accelerate implementation timelines. If you’re a defense professional or candidate, here’s what you need to know about harnessing commercial technology for a rapidly modernizing DOD. Leveraging Commercial Technology By leveraging commercial technology, the DOD can seize opportunities and remain technologically robust. Commercial providers often have resources available to explore emerging tech areas far quicker than the DOD, and by ensuring the DOD explores these solutions, those deemed fit for implementation can boost the country’s broader positioning. The Need for Rapid Adoption of Commercial Technologies Mechanisms are being put in place to allow the DOD to ......