
What Scientists Have to Say About Getting a Job in Biopharma

There is no secret to landing a job in biopharma. However, taking information from scientists who have worked in the field is always a good start. Here are a few tips from scientists about getting a job in biopharma. Deciding What Kind of Job to Look For When searching for

COVID Champion – Keion Chappelle

As a staffing agency, the Staffing Resource Group works with different types of professionals on a daily basis. What we specialize in is finding the perfect job, in a positive environment, that will help you continue to progress in your career goals. This includes everything from working on your resume,

Is Responsiveness Your Key to Recruiting Top Biopharma Talent?

During the hiring process, the way a potential employer communicates with applicants can make-or-break a potential professional partnership. Unresponsive employers can have a harder time finding the talent they need. Here are a few things to think of when you are communicating with potential candidates. Applicants Will Note Your Unresponsiveness

Ready to Save the World? How to Get a Job Creating COVID Vaccines

The COVID-19 pandemic seems to have taken over just about every aspect of everyday life. Careers in vaccine development and research are increasing in demand. For the scientist or researcher, this might be the perfect chance to get a job creating COVID vaccines. What You Need to Get a Job