What Are Your Career Goals? SRG Can Help You Achieve Them

With the new year approaching, many defense professionals set their sights on the future. Often, this comes with creating New Year’s resolutions or a plan to keep their career on target during the coming year. Acquiring a new, relevant skill is one of the most common goals among defense professionals. Strengthening your network, boosting your performance, and bolstering your reputation may also be part of the equation. However, another one of the goals many defense professionals share is securing a new, career-boosting position. By moving up the ladder, you can work your way toward longer-term goals, such as moving into management. Additionally, you can increase your earnings and secure your financial future by boosting your retirement. In many cases, finding a new job in the defense industry is challenging. The requirements for roles are often high and strict, and competition for the best opportunities is often fierce. When you’re managing a job search ......