Do You Have a Remote Work Policy in Place? Here’s Why You Need One

Most companies have some type of remote capability these days. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses to switch to a remote workspace. Some employers have continued to offer remote work for their employees. However, it has become crucial to have some kind of remote work policy in place. Here’s why. It Protects You and Your Employees The biggest reason to have a clear remote work policy is that it protects you and your employees. You can provide information about how often employees are able to work remotely or in what instances. Your policy book can also detail what hours they are expected to be available, how hours are tracked, etc. All of this protects both parties because the rules are written out and clear. There is a Set Expectation Speaking of being clear, employees perform better when there is a set expectation to meet. As mentioned above, this includes things like hours and ......