5 Poor Work Habits We’re Ditching This Year

During one’s life sciences career, it’s common to develop work habits. While some may help you excel, others aren’t as conducive when it comes to supporting ongoing success and they may be a significant hindrance, harming your productivity significantly. As a life sciences professional, honestly assessing your routines and go-to strategies is essential to ensure that none of the mechanisms, mindsets, or processes you have in place are doing more harm than good. With that in mind, here’s a look at five poor work habits we’re ditching this year that you may want to consider losing, too. 1. Procrastination Often, the idea of doing work tasks that you don’t enjoy weighs heavily on your mind. As a result, you may be tempted to put the activity off until the next day (or close to the deadline) as a means of avoiding responsibilities you find tedious or difficult. However, that approach can often backfire. ......