The Best Entry Level Defense Contractor Jobs to Get Your Career Started

The Best Entry Level Defense Contractor Jobs to Get Your Career Started

It can be hard to find an entry-level position in the defense industry. Even if you think you’ve found one marked entry-level it generally requires several years of experience. As an entry-level defense contractor, you need to find ways to translate your real-world experiences into the field. Here are some of the best jobs to get your career starts and tips to help you get there.

Entry-Level Defense Contractor Jobs

A good way to spot these tips of positions is by identifying some keywords that signify an entry-level job. Here are some words to keep an eye out for:

  • Assistant (Researcher, Editor, Engineer, etc).
  • Coordinator
  • Junior (Systems Administrator, Consultant, etc)
  • Trainee
  • Specialist

Sometimes, entry-level jobs may also be listed as “associate” positions. Associate job listings are more geared towards an individual with some experience in the defense industry but who may be changing careers within the field.

Each organization you apply to will differ in the terms they use for entry-level jobs. If you do not see any of the keywords listed above, your best bet is to fully read the job listing. Determine if you meet the requirements and move forward with applying for the position. You can also take some of the tips below to help better position yourself for entry-level defense jobs.

Communicate Your Ability to Be a Team Player

Of course, your technical degrees and skills are important, but so is your ability to work with others. As a contractor, if you come across as a solo worker, it can hurt your chances of landing the job. Show the employer that you are able to be a team player.

Don’t Be Too Well-Rounded

There is no doubt having a wide range of skills to offer is beneficial. When you are working an entry-level position, chances are you will work in multiple departments and gain a lot of experience. However, when you are looking for a job, it is important to be able to explicitly tell the employer how you can assist them in their needs. Including too much information can make it seem like you haven’t mastered any specific skills. Highlight what will be most important for the job at hand.

A Certification Isn’t the Same as Experience

Your degree or certifications is not the same as on-the-job experience. Being able to detail the experience you have is more helpful when it comes to landing a job. Even if you are at the entry-level, try to get some experience through internships or other small jobs to help you display that you don’t just have a piece of paper proving your educational background.

Be Willing to Learn

Lastly, you should always be willing to learn, especially in an entry-level job. While you should be able to communicate and prove what skills you already have, you should also demonstrate a desire to continue learning. This will help you throughout your career, no matter what level you are at.

If you are looking for an entry-level defense contractor job to kick start your career working with a staffing agency can help you get the ball rolling. Contact the Staffing Resource Group to see how our team of professionals can assist you.

Ready to Get to Work?



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