The Five Traits for Having a Successful Career in Defense

The Five Traits for Having a Successful Career in Defense

Working in the defense industry is incredibly rewarding, which is why it’s a popular option among candidates looking for a worthwhile career. Often, excelling in the defense sector requires specific traits, as the industry has unique needs and expectations.

Whether you want to strengthen your position as a job candidate or are striving to take your career to the next level, honing and highlighting specific characteristics makes a difference. Here’s a look at the five traits you need to have a successful career in defense.

1. Integrity

When you work in the defense sector, integrity – both on and off the job – is critical. Often, personal matters can have professional implications. While civilians aren’t inherently held to the same standards as military personnel, following notably short may mean not qualifying for security clearances or other issues that may hinder your career.

2. Leading and Following

Many industries favor candidates and employees with leadership qualities, and the defense sector is no exception. The ability to take charge when appropriate is essential, as well as leading by example when it comes to following policies and procedures and adopting the proper mindset and attitude.

However, the ability to follow when needed is similarly vital. Military and defense organizations often have strict hierarchies, so understanding when you should focus on supportive collaboration is also a must.

3. Maturity

While defense professionals do have fun on the job, the need for an inherent maturity among defense industry staff members isn’t something candidates should overlook. Dependability, responsibility, and professionalism when handling your duties is expected, so you need to make sure that you can exude maturity when in a defense role.

4. Initiative

Clear expectations are typically a part of any defense job, but managers usually provide a significant amount of autonomy to defense employees, as well. There’s an expectation that employees will know how to handle their responsibilities with limited guidance once tasks are given to them and can find their own answers when the need arises, either independently or by coordinating with the right colleagues.

Further, defense professionals are expected to contribute when problems need solving or new ideas are required. Finally, providing assistance to coworkers unprompted is typically part of the overall culture, making initiative a critical trait to possess.

5. Punctuality

When you’re working in the defense industry, punctuality is essential. Often, timeliness is a core requirement when you’re working with the military, as the sector engrains punctuality into its culture and typically has very precise needs when it comes to meeting deadlines.

Additionally, defense employees commonly work alongside military veterans who’ve spent a notable amount of their careers with strict punctuality requirements, creating another source of expectations when it comes to timeliness. As a result, civilians working in the defense industry need to show a dedication to delivering work by the stated deadline and arriving in the office on time.

Do you have what it takes to shine in the defense industry, and are you looking for a career-boosting opportunity? Partner with the Staffing Resource Group to get your job search moving in the right direction. Contact us to learn more about our services today.

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