Tips on Setting Career Goals in 2022

Tips on Setting Career Goals in 2022

The start of a new year brings about the talk of setting new goals and switching career paths. Many people set goals to be happier with their jobs, achieve new accomplishments, and increase productivity. To be successful with your goals, you need to fully assess where you are in your career right now and where you’d like to go in the future. The following steps can help you plan your next move.

Make Sure the Goals You Are Setting Are Obtainable

A five-year plan or 10-year plan won’t do you any good if the goals you set aren’t obtainable. It is easy to be too ambitious or set your sights too high, especially when it comes to developing your own career. Without a doable plan, though, you’ll wind up frustrated and feeling stuck.

To avoid this, research what it takes to be successful in your career field or industry. Performing a little research can help you decide what is reasonable in terms of career goals. If you are hoping to climb the ladder in your company, talk to your managers about your short-term and long-term goals. Your manager may be able to help you target moves in the company to help you meet your career aspirations. They can also give you some guidance on how you can reach your goals and let you know if they are obtainable or not.

Consider How Happy You Are in Your Current Role

Another important thing to keep in mind if you’re thinking about making career changes in 2022 is how happy you are in your current job. If you are unhappy, pinpoint why. You may be feeling like your position doesn’t challenge you enough or fully use your skills. In some cases, the pay and benefits don’t meet your expectations, or you may not feel appreciated by your employer. Whatever the case may be, identify what you aren’t happy with within your current role so that you can avoid those things in the future.

Think About What You Like About Your Work

In addition to what you don’t like about your current role, you should determine what you like about your career. Are you delivering in your job now? If not, consider what would motivate you. Do you want a leadership role, or are you more comfortable being part of the team? Is the work-life balance you have sufficient? Make a list of things you like about your work, and be sure they are things you keep when you move forward in your career.

Research Emerging Skills in the Industry

In addition to researching information about potential career paths, you should do some research about the future of the industry too. Look into emerging skills, changes in technology, and other trends. During your research, you can also gauge what fair salaries are and look into how wages in the industry are changing too. This will give you more information to move forward with your job search and overall career.

Experts at the Staffing Resource Group are eager to help you achieve your career goals. The recruiters on our team will discuss your goals with you and outline a plan to help you achieve them. Then we will help you find a position that helps facilitate those goals. Contact us to learn more about how we can assist you.

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