What Scientists Have to Say About Getting a Job in Biopharma

What Scientists Have to Say About Getting a Job in Biopharma

There is no secret to landing a job in biopharma. However, taking information from scientists who have worked in the field is always a good start. Here are a few tips from scientists about getting a job in biopharma.

Deciding What Kind of Job to Look For

When searching for a job in biopharma you have three options: academia, industry, or government work. Once you have an undergraduate degree and are looking to pursue a biopharma career there is always the question as to whether or not you want to stay in academic research. Academic research is typically funded by grants and can be relatively unstable. For some people, the idea of continuing in academia after 17+ years of schooling is exhausting too.

If you don’t wish to pursue an academic research position, there are other options. You may consider an industry job. Industry positions cover a broad range of jobs you may or may not be interested in. They can include everything from small biotech startups with a limited staff to international brands.

Beyond academic and industry positions, there are also government-related biopharma jobs. These can include healthcare systems needing research in clinical trials and laboratories. Government positions may be funded at the state or federal level, depending on the type of research needed.

Don’t Pass Up Internships or Volunteer Opportunities

Internships and volunteer opportunities can be a great addition to your resume and make your experience relevant. While it may seem like you are simply working for free, you are often getting paid in valuable experience. Sometimes, interns or volunteers can also be looked at for full-time jobs down the road.

What Skills Do You Offer?

Take a moment to really consider what you bring to the table in terms of your skillset. If you take into consideration all of your skills, including those not science-related, you may find you have a lot more to offer than you thought. Biopharma jobs can involve things like sales, communication, technical representation, and teaching others.

Network With Others in the Industry

Even in biopharma, networking is important. In general, people like working with other individuals that they know. So, look for events where you can meet other individuals interested in the same type of work you are looking for. Your university may have an organization or club you can join for networking. There may also be professional organizations you can join. Many of them provide a discounted membership rate for students.

Be Realistic About Your Dream Job

Many people turn down a good job because they are searching for the perfect situation. This is especially true of individuals fresh out of college. Chances are, you won’t land the perfect gig right out of school. If you wait for the “perfect” opportunity to present itself, it may never come. Getting experience in the field is much more important.

Job seekers looking for a job in biopharma can have better luck working with a staffing agency. This is because agencies typically have an “in” with companies that are hiring in the industry. See how the professionals at The Staffing Resource Group can assist you in landing your next job.



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