What’s the Timeline of Working with a Recruiter?

What’s the Timeline of Working with a Recruiter?

Utilizing the help of a professional staffing agency when you are searching for a new job can be a great resource. Recruiters can provide you with career advice and guidance. Ultimately, they will help you find a position that suits your career goals and personal values. If you’ve started working with a recruiter, you may be wondering about how things typically happen. Here’s a look at the timeline of working with a recruiter.

Submitting Your Resume

The very first thing you do with your recruiter is to submit your resume for consideration. Generally, this step can take up to two weeks time. This is because your recruiter is working with a large number of candidates who are applying to various different positions with different companies and differing needs.

If you want to speed the process up, make sure your resume is loaded with keywords for the job you’re applying to. This will help your resume come up when the recruiter is looking for candidates. In the meantime, you can continue to look for other work while your recruiter finds a match.

Interview Selection

After the resume submission phase, the recruiter will work to set you up with an interview. This process can take up to a month, but you can land an interview in as little as a week, in some cases. The reason this process can take such a long time is the recruiter is acting as a middleman between you and the employer. They work to coordinate everything.

When internal staff members are involved in an interview, it can be difficult to get everyone’s schedules to align. During this time, continue to look for work but be prepared to interview for the position. Discuss possible questions and what you can do to prep with your recruiter.

Getting Feedback

Once you’ve interviewed for the job, the recruiter will reach out to the employer for post-interview feedback. Depending on how busy the employer is and how long the interview process takes, this can take up to three weeks. When you are waiting to hear what the next steps are, this wait can be agonizing.

Some companies may want to have you back for a second interview. They want to be sure the person they choose is the best possible fit. While you’re waiting, be sure to keep up with communication. Send thank yous out within 24 hours of your interviews. Express your interest in the position and follow up with your recruiter weekly. This will help you stay up to date on the process.

Decline or Offer

With feedback in hand, your recruiter will then move forward with an offer or let you know you weren’t chosen for the job. This usually takes about one to three weeks and happens in tandem with your recruiter receiving feedback. If they let you know you aren’t a good fit, accept the news graciously. Let your recruiter know you’re interested in finding other roles and maintaining communication.

If an offer is made, congratulations! You’ll now need to review the terms of the employer and either accept or deny the position. If there is something you’d like to be negotiated about the job, talk with your recruiter. They can help you with negotiations.

You can get started working with a recruiter today by contacting the Staffing Resource Group. Our team of professionals is ready to help you find your next job.

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