When’s the Last Time You Updated Your Resume?

When’s the Last Time You Updated Your Resume?

Once you’re working in a defense job, it isn’t uncommon not to think twice about the condition of your resume. Generally, resumes are viewed as part of the job search process. As a result, updating your resume when you aren’t actively seeking out opportunities seems unnecessary to many.

However, maintaining a current resume actually works in your favor as a defense professional. Whether you’re considering launching a new job search as a defense candidate soon or are happy where you are currently, here’s a look at why regularly updating your resume matters and what to include.

Why Regularly Updating Your Resume Is Critical

Frequently updating your resume – regardless of whether you’re planning to start a job search in the near future – is vital for several reasons. First, your resume functions as a way to capture details about your achievements as a defense employee.

Often, professionals can only remember so much information about past work, and they recall less as time passes. Frequent resume updates let you record these moments as they happen. Since accomplishment-focused resumes are the norm, this works in your favor, as it ensures accuracy. Plus, it can serve as a refresher when you prepare for performance reviews or pursue opportunities for advancement at your current defense job, which is also beneficial.

By regularly updating your defense resume, you’re also ready to seize unexpected opportunities. Even if you’re generally satisfied in your current role, you never know when your dream job may come available. By having a refreshed resume at all times, you can pursue those unexpected openings right away, which could make furthering your defense career simpler.

What to Include When Updating Your Resume

In most cases, you want to focus on three key informational areas when updating your defense resume. First, you want to ensure that your current job is listed in your work history and that you’re recording relevant achievements associated with it. When you have a new accomplishment, add a bullet point outlining what occurred and the skills you used to make it happen, quantifying the details when possible.

Second, you must update your skills section whenever you acquire a new capability relevant to your career. That lets you quickly showcase your capabilities near the top of your resume, allowing you to highlight the best of what you have to offer.

Third, it’s wise to update your education or certifications list whenever you advance academically, acquire a new credential, or renew a certification. That ensures the dates are current and that you’re showcasing your most recently earned credentials.

Why Using the Master Resume Approach Is Wise

In many cases, using the master resume approach is wise when updating your resume while working in a position. This strategy involves listing every potentially relevant skill and achievement, regardless of how long it makes your resume.

Then, when you find a suitable opportunity, you remove and reorder the content based on the job requirements to position yourself as the strongest match possible. After that, all you need to do is tweak your professional summary, and you will have a targeted resume. This process is far more streamlined in most cases, shortening the preparation time required to ensure your resume speaks to a particular hiring manager.

Ultimately, updating your defense resume regularly works in your favor. Are you ready for a new defense position that can elevate your career? Partner with the Staffing Resource Group to find new defense opportunities quickly. Contact us to learn more about our services today.


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