Women in Defense: Breaking Barriers and Advancing Careers

Women in Defense: Breaking Barriers and Advancing Careers

Women in defense have been breaking barriers in recent years, and it’s a beneficial trend not just for women but the Department of Defense (DOD) as a whole. Women are a critical component of an effective fighting force and workforce, but they’ve often faced obstacles that limited their access to certain opportunities.

Today, that landscape is changing, and it’s creating new avenues for professional growth and career advancement. Here’s a look at women in defense, including the role they play, how various initiatives are opening doors, and pathways for advancing the careers of women in defense.

Women’s Role in the Defense Industry

Women play a critical role in the defense industry, and their role has only grown since the implementation of the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) initiative. The DOD adopted a framework modeled after the broader WPS initiatives designed by the United Nations.

While women have long been part of the defense industry, their ability to participate meaningfully is growing. Women have been eligible for combat roles since 2013, which was a major step forward. They’re also increasingly reaching the leadership ranks, allowing women to play a greater role in military policy and strategy. Through WPS, the goal is the continued expansion of how women can make a difference in the defense industry, ensuring potential barriers or challenges are well-addressed.

DOD’s Commitment to Women, Peace, and Security

The WPS initiative aims to ensure that gender considerations are factors when developing policies and plans, outlining operations, and providing training. The goal of the program was to increase the participation of women across all ranks within the service, creating a landscape where safety, equality, and opportunity for women are part of the equation.

A top priority of the program was to establish gender advisors who would provide insights about integrating gender into an array of defense functions and activities. In turn, this supports the objective of increasing gender diversity throughout the defense sector while ensuring unique factors women encounter are properly addressed.

Training Initiatives for Gender Equality

In the DOD, training initiatives are furthering the goal of gender equality. The DOD is prioritizing Gender Focal Points & Gender Advisors training as a means of building a foundation that will support the broader initiative. Additionally, available courses are designed to ensure DOD personnel understand the importance of WPS and any progress resulting from the program.

Advancing Your Career

Women in defense have access to far more opportunities than in years past. The WPS program is opening doors, as well as adjusting DOD culture to ensure the unique needs of women are met while still ensuring they can participate in a meaningful way. As a result, advancing your career as a woman in defense is increasingly easier.

Ultimately, women are seeing more pathways available that support their advancement than ever before. If you’re looking for a new career-boosting defense sector position, the Staffing Resource Group makes the process simple. Apply Today and SuRGe your career forward.

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