
What Does the Post-Pandemic Job Market Look Like?

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the world as we know it. In the job market, certain trends have accelerated. We are seeing more remote work, automation, and e-commerce than ever before. On top of that, 25% more workers are finding they need to switch occupations in the post-pandemic world. If you

What’s the Answer to Cutting Costs and Improving Recruiting Efficiencies?

Recruiting and hiring new employees is often one of the more expensive parts of running a business. When you take the time to calculate resources like a hiring manager, recruiting efforts, and training, new hires can cost your organization thousands of dollars. So, what’s the answer to cutting costs and

How to Measure ROI of Your New Hire

Hiring someone new is no small expense for a company. The cost of recruiting, interviewing, vetting, and training a new hire can be as much as the employee’s annual salary or more. Being able to gauge whether or not the new team member is paying off is a valuable metric

Onboarding Tips to Ensure a Quick Government Placement

Onboarding can make or break a new hire’s impression of the organization and the job itself. So, it is best to do the best you can. That means ensuring communication is clear and providing easy, clear-to-understand tasks. Here are some onboarding tips that can help you ensure quick government placement.

3 Remote Policies to Incorporate In Your Employee Handbook

Many companies transitioned into remote work settings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though the pandemic is winding down with many people getting vaccinated, remote work isn’t going anywhere. Some organizations are choosing to keep their remote workspaces because of the benefits they’ve seen, such as increased productivity and better work-life

4 Tips to Ensure Company Confidentiality When an Employee Quits

When you have an employee unexpectedly quit, company confidentiality can be a huge concern, especially if they are not leaving on good terms. However, there are ways to ensure that the break away from the employee remains pain-free. Here are a few tips to ensure company confidentiality when an employee

8 Important Risk Management Skills Every Vaccine Creator Must Have

Working in life sciences is different than many other industries. There are different risks to take into account than, say, a tech company may have. However, like other industries, there are ways your company can mitigate those risks. If you are a vaccine creator, be sure you have these risk

How to Improve Employee Retention When Working Remotely

Today, working remotely is more common than not. The shift into remote workspaces has been a big transition for both employees and employers. Employees have to find new ways to work with their colleagues and employers have to search for ways to keep their employees engaged. Here are a few

Everything We Know About Mandating the COVID-19 Vaccine

After COVID-19 wreaked havoc on many businesses and the world last year, employers are trying to identify what the next steps are in terms of returning to normal. Because it is uncharted territory, many employers are wondering if and how they can mandate the COVID-19 vaccine among their workers. Can

What Vaccines Are On the Horizon and How You Can Do Your Part

As you probably know, COVID-19 vaccines are rolling out in the United States for certain groups of people. The vaccine will begin to be more widely available and employers should do their part in ensuring their team stays healthy. Here is how you, as an employer, can help. What Vaccines